Category Archives: Science and Apologetics

God’s Design in Nature and the Golden Ratio

For Christmas, my son got me a lovely necklace. It is a silver pendant showing the golden ratio. What is that and why would I wear something like it? Well, to me, the golden ratio is a testimony to God’s perfect design. The golden ratio is a perfectly symmetrical relationship between two proportions. Numerically, it […]

Toddler Handprints and God’s Creation

I was cleaning the windows the other day and noticed something that made me suddenly stop what I was doing. Instantly, my demeanor went from “daily-grungy-chores-blah” to “heart-lifting-cheery-smile.” What caused it? A tiny handprint. You see, just a few weeks ago (no judging as to how long it took me to clean!) my daughter-in-law and […]

Everything Created is Useful (In Praise of Vestigial Organs)

No one will dispute the fact that science is continuing to advance. Our knowledge of how the world works increases each year. But that new information is also doing something amazing. It is showing us the importance of vestigial organs, creating a stumbling block to evolutionary theory. To help you understand all the science-y stuff, […]

Our Sense of Taste and Praising the Lord

“Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!” Ps. 34:8 Have you ever wondered why we are able to taste things? Most reasoning goes that taste helped humans test food to determine if it was poisonous or inedible. Bitter or sour tastes indicated something potentially bad […]

Superhighways and Freeways in the Ocean? Absolutely!

One of the things I most like about studying our world is when those studies reveal a new idea that was not really new at all. A good example is the ocean currents of the world. You see, ancient sailors traveled along the coastlines for fishing and trade, but they rarely went too far from […]

How To Write a Lab Report

How To Write a Lab Report – Apologia Over the years, many parents have asked me exactly how their students should be doing lab reports when they complete a science experiment. There are several helps out there, but I am so excited that we have just completed a very helpful YouTube video that goes through each […]

Migrating Eyes and the Fascinating World of Flatfish Design

A face only a mother could love! If most people were asked to draw a quick picture of a fish, they would likely draw a torpedo-shaped creature with some fins, an eye on either side of its head, and a mouth at the tip. And for the most part, they would have pretty accurate representation. […]