Category Archives: Science and Apologetics

How the Dead Sea Teaches Us to Encourage Others

The Dead Sea is an interesting place in the world for many reasons. Sometimes called the Salt Sea, it is a hypersaline lake on the border between Israel and Jordan in the Middle East. Its surface is over 1,300 feet below sea level. That means it is Earth’s lowest land elevation. Now, hypersaline is just […]

The Discovery of Unicorns and Their Biblical Importance

Recently, an interesting fossil animal skull was discovered. What makes it so special? It was the skull of a unicorn. I’m not kidding. Photo: Ghedoghedo/Wikipedia For years, scientists have known about the existence of these animals. Siberian unicorns are an extinct mammal species that looked more like a rhinoceros instead of a horse. However, their […]

Science Shows Complaining Rewires the Brain to Be Negative and How the Bible Gives a Solution

It truly amazes me when science “discovers” a Biblical truth. For example, I’m noticing more and more how people like to utilize social media in order to “vent.” They believe that if they get their frustrations out, they will feel better. But this can easily turn into complaining. Frustrated tweets, complaint-filled Facebook posts, or just lots […]

Packing Up Christmas Decorations and the Fossil Record

No doubt, right now you are facing a houseful of decorations, wrapping, and other Christmas paraphernalia, trying to encourage yourself to take it all down and put it away. You’ve likely moved furniture around to make room for the Christmas tree, nativity, and other festive décor. Now, it’s time to get back to a bit […]

How Barnacles Illustrate Our Need to Read God’s Word

Have you ever noticed barnacles encrusting the bottom of boats? These creatures are not only amazing, but they help us to see an important truth. Many people mistake barnacles as a type of mollusk, similar to clams or oysters. But in reality, they are arthropods, like crabs or lobsters. They have an exoskeleton, which is […]